Frank W. Crum, Jr. has seen and experienced quite a bit over his business career; he’s learned many lessons and met many people. He’s a humble man who eschews the spotlight, preferring to heap praise on others. The hard work, dedication, intelligence, and passion of his employees has led to his success, he says. Over the last 40 years or so, Frank has quietly helped pioneer the PEO industry. Today his company employs about 500 people and serves clients in nearly every state.
BY Chris Chaney
March 2024A robust risk management and safety program functions as the guardian helping protect employees from injury, shielding an organization from potential harm, and also generating a multitude of other benefits extending far beyond just meeting OSHA safety compliance standards.
BY Chris Sullivan
March 2024As the rate of digital transformation continues to accelerate across all industries, insufficient cybersecurity guardrails and policies remain a pressing threat to the insurance and benefits ecosystem. Here are 6 questions to ask to assess your PEO's cyber risk.
BY Frank Bianchi
March 2024Deepfake media is only going to become more prevalent. Its use in social engineering is going to grow. Education is the best way to help your organization thwart this alarming reality.
BY Hart Brown
March 2024Enterprise Risk Management, or ERM, serves as the very advisor that maintains a broad, forward- looking view of risks to organizations.
BY Dafni LeFlore
March 2024Building a positive safety culture is an ongoing process that requires commitment, communication, and collaboration. It's an investment in the well-being of employees and the long-term success of the client organization.
BY Scott A. Johnson
March 2024Financial hardship may affect us all at one point or another in our careers. Empathy, compassion, and thoughtful action are important to maintain a healthy work environment. Economic uncertainty, political strife, and tenuous world events can make employees uneasy and fearful. Employers can do a great service to employees and their bottom line by listening to employee feedback, staying transparent about company goals and their role in success, and showing recognition coupled with rewards.
BY Deb Rubin
March 2024Focus on pay transparency is showing no signs of slowing down. The pay transparency movement, which started with a couple of states, continues to steadily spread across the country and is now a focus at the federal level. PEOs and their clients must remain vigilant of current and proposed laws and developing trends.
BY Laura A. Mitchell, ESQ.
March 2024M&A is a dynamic, complex, and ever-changing environment and process. Prudent risk management is the backbone of getting it right from strategy to close to integration.
BY Wanda Silva
March 2024As the second-sunniest city in the U.S., it may seem hard to make Redding, California, even brighter. But O2 Employment Services has found a way. What sets Give Redding apart is that O2 has taken it upon itself to rally participation from all across the local business community to elevate the drive to greater heights.
BY Evan Fallor
March 2024While much of the EPLI landscape has changed in the last couple of years, much is still the same. Companies should look to ensure that they understand the basics of caring for colleagues and promoting a healthy workplace.
BY Frank Huang
March 2024