We celebrated WIN Week from September 18 to September 22 to recognize our female leaders within NAPEO. The week started off with a webinar hosted by Wanda Silva during which a panel of our very own NAPEO members answered some tough questions about the struggles of climbing the corporate ladder as a woman, how to maintain work-life balance, especially as a mother, and some advice for aspiring female executives.  On Tuesday, we took to the Women in NAPEO LinkedIn page, where our members were able to recognize some of their role models in the comments of our “Tag a Girl Boss Tuesday” post. On Wednesday, we released a WIN Bingo card, where our members were able to check some of the boxes, all of which were centered around supporting women in and out of the workplace, and submit their bingos to win a prize. On Thursday, we released some clips from the webinar for those who were unable to attend. We ended WIN Week with celebrating American Business Women’s Day, a national observance recognizing all women in the workplace. We look forward to celebrating again next year!