Tandem HR

Headquartered in Chicago, Illinois, Tandem HR is a long-time NAPEO member with a strong history of involvement in the association and industry. Tandem employees regularly lead panels and discussions at NAPEO conferences, contribute to PEO Insider,® and participate in committees. Tara Conger, chief operating officer of Tandem HR, was elected in September 2021 to serve on NAPEO’s Board of Directors. 

Stop Copying Me!

Back in the late fall of 2008, when we started Premier Employer Services, Inc. here in Denver, Colorado, my partner at the time and I went back and forth trying to find the perfect name, with little luck. We finally settled on the name, but I must be honest with you—I never liked the name; it was too bland and way too long. We had nothing else, so we opened the doors and away we went. The name was never so bad that it rose to the top of the “important things to address” list. Every once in a while, someone would mention it and I would remark that I wanted to change it, but it was never an emergency. I continued to struggle with coming up with anything better.


Few now dispute that the American workforce underwent systemic changes due to the COVID pandemic. Remote work is more prominent than ever, employees feel more empowered in their roles, and businesses face new hurdles in supply chain disruptions and public health mandates. The pandemic has ushered in a new era in the workforce that employers who hope to remain successful must adjust to. As the president and CEO of one of the industry’s largest PEOs, TriNet’s Burton M. Goldfield has seen small and medium-size businesses (SMBs) across the country grapple with these changes, and he’s also confronting this new reality himself as he leads TriNet’s more than 3,000-person internal workforce.


Cristina Bouchard leads Sunrise, Florida-based AlphaStaff, with a deep passion for serving clients and a relentless commitment to exceeding expectations. A self-described hands-on executive, she wants to know everything happening in her company: strengths, weaknesses, pain points, and areas for growth. She responds to every single client testimonial herself and lets all clients know they have access to her leadership and her management teams at any time. Cristina is in her second stint leading the company, but now as a significant equity owner, she’s in a position to drive change, innovate, and build for the future. She has big plans about where to take her company, and she’s not afraid to defy the status quo to get there.


A passion for growing businesses, helping people, and serving the community are the bedrock principles of Redding, California-based Teamwork HR. Heidi Corrigan leads this 26-person team with an energy and enthusiasm that keeps her team motivated to excel and serve clients.