The Denver, Colorado metro area has enjoyed a surge of newcomers in recent years; young Americans in particular have flocked to the Centennial State. Count InTANDEM HR President and CEO Monica Denler as one who sees an upside to this trend. The population growth means more small business owners and more potential worksite employees (WSEs) her PEO can service.
InTANDEM HR prides itself of being the premier Colorado-based PEO committed to providing exceptional service and expertise to clients. The leadership team behind the operation is a close-knit group of professionals who work well together as a team. You’ll never hear someone utter the phrase “not my job” at InTANDEM. This formula for success has worked well, as the company celebrates 14 years in business this year.
The journey began when Denler decided to set on her own.
Having just graduated college with a sociology degree, Denler set out looking for a job in 1998. She landed an entry level sales job with a PEO. Immediately she enjoyed the role and the opportunity for growth it brought.
“I found that working in a PEO, we were able to change employees lives for the better by helping them gain health insurance and other benefits,” she recalls.
Denler excelled in her role and when her company was acquired by a larger PEO, she became the youngest sales rep in the class and one of only two females. This brought its own challenges, but she jokes that being a Colorado Avalanche fan at a Detroit-based company was the toughest obstacle to overcome.
She continued her PEO sales career, eventually rising to VP of sales and operations. Around 2010, a private equity company had purchased the PEO she worked for. She was privy to much of the discussions and process.
“I felt that some of the decisions that were made didn’t align with what I thought was most important to our clients: providing local service at a local level,” Denler says, “They wanted me to open sales offices all over the country and oversee it all.”
“I also had two young children and was concerned about being gone much of the time, so I did the next craziest thing and started my own PEO,” Denler adds.
She began by raising capital. Luckily, her older brother offered to help so long as she agreed to recruit two business partners.
“He did not charge me a low interest rate,” Denler jokes.
But nonetheless her brother’s investment helped get the new PEO off the ground. Denler’s husband is a software engineer by trade and agreed to attend HR Pyramid (later to become Prism HR) training with her. She explains that in previous PEO roles she never dealt with the software, so this was not exactly an enjoyable experience.
She also leaned on other friends and fellow entrepreneurs for advice and assistance. A web designer friend agreed to build her website for only a small fee; a marketing and graphic designer friend helped create a logo and develop marketing materials. She was also able to secure office space from another friend who had extra room.
“Employees take for granted that someone has set up the internet, and phone system, and copiers, and computers. Being able to office share was a big help with basic needs,” Denler says.
Plus, a few months later she was even able to convince them to come on board as a client.
Simply getting to market and securing benefits plans was a hard challenge, too, but nothing was more important than assembling a strong team to work alongside her. One of Denler’s first hires was a friend and former colleague, Stacy Jensen. Jensen began her career in the staffing industry and soon landed a job in HR at a PEO where Denler started working shortly after..
“I was working in HR for the Colorado Judicial Branch which was a great experience, but perhaps not the best match for my personality,” Jensen says.
“We had lunch on her birthday,” Denler recalls, “and I convinced her to come work for me as my HR Director.”
Next to join Denler’s team was Pete Sartoris as Chief Financial Officer. Sartoris brought many years of accounting and financial experience to the role, but he’s the lone member of the leadership team who did not bring prior PEO experience.
He started out on the self-described typical public accounting track which grew boring after a while. So, he switched gears and jumped into the start-up fray. The wild west of business, he calls it. After some years, the constant high energy needed to keep up with the CEOs became too much.
“I was looking for something with more stability that was focused on the clients,” Sartoris says, “I didn’t know what at a PEO was at first, but I’ve loved it ever since.”
The most recent member to join Denler’s team is Lisa Petrovich who heads up payroll and operations. She too brought years of prior PEO payroll experience to the role. What began as a temporary placement at a PEO grew into a career that she continues to love today.
InTANDEM has grown quite a bit since Denler first opened the company’s doors. Much of this success can be attributed to hard work and a united team working towards a common goal.
During a leadership meeting, the team put pen to paper to flesh out their core mission.
“We decided that our purpose is to help clients succeed, our cause is to provide HR and compliance solutions, and our passion is watching entrepreneurs succeed,” Petrovich explains.
InTANDEM’s story represents the good that can happen when a group of professionals commits to a common goal and set of values.
“I was in a meeting with Monica and a prospect once, and Monica mentioned that we are a diva free zone,” Jensen says, “You’ll never hear someone say, ‘that’s not my job’.”
“From the top down we all walk that walk. We are all willing to chip in where needed,” Denler says. “Having started the company alone, I value every role because I know how difficult each one is.”
The spirit of collaboration and support underpins a positive workplace culture, too.
“In one word, our culture is wholesome. I feel more confident, more seen, and more valued than any other job I’ve had,” Sartoris says.
While staying true to themselves, the InTANDEM team has grown the company into what they consider to be the top privately held PEO in Colorado. They remain loyal to service partners and have long standing relationships with insurance carriers. They only market to Colorado domiciled businesses, although they are licensed in more than 30 states.
Over the years they have seen the PEO sale and service model evolve from a workers’ comp play to a sophisticated HR and technology partnership. Access to a team of experts is more and more important to small business owners, too, Denler explains. She describes Colorado’s legal and regulatory compliance landscape as one that’s beginning to resemble California’s.
“It’s more challenging than ever to be a Colorado employer which increases our value proposition but we’re also pro-employer and aware of how these changes affect clients,” Denler says.
Medical inflation is another issue really affecting small businesses. As the COVID pandemic raged a few years ago, many people decided to forego doctor’s visits and appointments. Now, there’s a bit of catchup phenomena going on as people seek medical care they had put off. The economy overall is not inspiring much confidence among businesses either, Denler says. She’s seen apprehension among businesses to take on new projects or ventures amid economic uncertainty.
That being said, Denver is still a very attractive market. Denler notes Colorado is a top state for young people to want to move to. There’s a great sense of community, too. With the PEO industry as whole being so strong, she’s confident the company is poised for growth.
Being active members of their community is big priority for the InTANDEM team, too. The company supports local charitable and non-profit organizations trough the InTANDEM HR Foundation. Their efforts focus mostly on advocating and supporting women, children, and healthcare organizations. Employees are encouraged to volunteer, and even receive paid days off per year to do so. The goal is to reinforce the company’s values of giving back and serving others.
Denler and her team are also heavily involved in the industry and association. Denler serves on NAPEO’s Board of Directors and other committees. Her team regularly participates on committees and working groups, and attends many conferences and events.
“Being on the Board is a huge honor,” Denler says.
“I felt that it was time to give back more to the industry and help grow and promote PEOs.”